Hold the Light

Introducing our Theme for 2022

Each year, we reflect together as an NWBA team on the things we see happening across our churches, the challenges people are facing and the signs of God at work amongst us. From this, we develop and offer an annual theme, seeking to convey something of what we believe God may be saying to us, as we seek to work together in mission and ministry.

In 2021, we ran a major initiative Hold the Light through which we encouraged prayer and expressions of support for keyworkers across our Region. As a consequence over 2000 cards were sent by North West Baptists to individuals and workplaces offering a simple message of encouragement. In reflecting on that work further, we sensed that 'hold the light' might be a message for us too, as we continue to offer a message of hope and assurance to our world.

We were inspired by the New Testament writer, Paul, who in a letter to the church in Philippi encouraged them to:

'shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.' (Philippians 2:15-16)

Phil Jump, our Regional Minister offers a reflection on our theme based on Paul's words.

You can also use this short video to meditate on Paul's words for yourself

Click Here for a reflection on our theme 'Choose the Ancient Paths'

Click Here for a further reflection written after the death of Queen Elizabeth II

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Baptist Insurance supports our Baptist Community with specialist cover for churches, regular security and protection updates and insurance for your home.

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NWBA is committed to ensuring that all of our churches and activities observe the highest possible standards of safeguarding

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Learning Resources

NWBA offers a number of learning opportunities in partnership with Northern Baptist College and other groups

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Open Bible

Midweek Reflections

Originally put together to support churches and individuals during Covid lockdown un 2020-21 our reflections are still available for use

find them here
Single Poppy in field

Remembrance and Remembering

We offer a selection of resources for use in services of thanksgiving and remembrance.


Copyright © 2022 North Western Baptist Association
