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A Prayer for Southport

Offered for use by anyone who needs it

Gracious God,
Words alone cannot express our sadness and disbelief
Our heartbreak and anguish
When such precious lives are so brutally stolen.
We offer to you the cries of our own hearts
And pray for those families whose grief and loss
Is impossible to comprehend.
Help us all to cling to hope
Even amidst this senseless brutality.
Be close to all whose lives have been so cruelly scarred;
Surround them with your love;
Hold them fast in their sorrow,
And grant them strength amidst their unbearable pain.
We cannot escape our anger and devastation,
But choose to seek hope even amidst this darkness.
For all its horror, may it spur us even more
To never surrender to despair,
But build a world where peace, hope and love prevail.

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Learning Resources

NWBA offers a number of learning opportunities in partnership with Northern Baptist College and other groups

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Midweek Reflections

Originally put together to support churches and individuals during Covid lockdown un 2020-21 our reflections are still available for use

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