Resources for Services of Remembrance
Members of our NWBA community are pleased to offer various resources for Remembrance services which you are free to share and use. These have all been produced by churches and ministers in our Association, and are offered freely to others. We hope you find them of use:Written and printable Resources
Prayers and an outline for a service of Remembrance
Images of Remembrance from Dan Parkes - Southport Baptist Church
Prayers and Reflections from our Faithspace resources
A Virtual Prayer Meeting for Remembrance Day - from Carolyn Urwin
Resources for a traditional Service of Remembrance
The Last Post - bugle callThe Rouse (reveille) - bugle call
A Reflection for more contemporary acts of Remembrance
Remembering - the joy and pain of memoriesOther Resources for Remembrance
Dan Parkes offers a selection of War PoemsWoodbine Willie 'Crucifix' from the ICF production
Click here for our Advent Resources
Committed to the values of Christ's Kingdom, NWBA exists to support and enable our member churches in their worship and mission.