Assembly Prayer Space 2024

Water drop

Fire speaks to us of the power of God's Holy Spirit.

As we launch our Everyone Everywhere initiative, seek God's power to become a confident faith sharer.

We are not called to speak and act in our own strength, but to seek God at work within and beyond us.

Pause to think of those people whose lives are impacted by yours.

Is God calling you or your church to reach out in new ways?

Use this space to seek God's strength and guidance as you make your own response.
Take time to listen - what is God's Spirit inviting you to do?
Take time to pray - who has God laid on your heart?

Take a prayer card - write the names of anyone who God's Spirit brings to mind.
Put the card in your purse, wallet or a place you will regularly find it

Write the Christian name of someone you are praying for, and pause to pray for someone whose name has been placed by someone else.
