Investing in the church of today and tomorrow
Whether or not you have young adults in your church, will you stand with those who are exploring their call and vocation as part of God’s Church in today’s world?
Find out more here
As Christians we believe that the most important thing we can do is help another person become a follower of Jesus. It is through
the work of local churches, rooted in local communities that our message is lived out and shared.
Our vision is to be an active community of local churches, helping those who are struggling to sustain the work they do, helping new
congregations and initiatives become established in communities where there is no organised Christian presence, and providing the support
structures that local churches need to remain effective.
If every member and regular attender at our NWBA churches gave just five pounds per month, we could not only continue everything we currently do,
but also have a significant surplus to invest in new opportunities. That is around the cost of a hot drink and a cake in a local coffee shop, less
than the cost of a newspaper everyday and a fraction of what it would cost to fill our car with fuel.
Would you be willing to regularly give five pounds to support the mission of local churches? If so find out how through
Count me in
Click here to
request details of how you can support us
Click here to download a standing order mandate form
In our North Western region, statistics tell us that the average household spends 240GBP on their shrubs, plants and patios ...
Whatever you spend on things like that, all we are asking is whether you think local mission is worth investing in too.
click here to download a poster for this month