Contacting Us
While our NWBA office remains a vital and important meeting place and resource, our NWBA staff team are now mostly working from home. We will continue to
receive and collect surface mail at our office address, but please use team member phone numbers to contact them directly wherever possible. Please remember
that nearly all of our staff team are part-time, so we are not always able to deal with matters immediately.
Our normal office hours are Monday-Thursday 9.30 am to 1.30 pm. You can contact a member of the Operations Team during those hours using our office phone
07821 645265
Our postal address is:
North Western Baptist Association
The Resource Centre
Fleet Street
Office email:
Regional Minister
Our Regional Minister, Revd Phil Jump can be contacted by email or phone
Tel: 07754 599298
Regional Minister - Church Life
Tim Presswood can be contacted by email
Tel:07966 417502
Please do not use texts, facebook or other forms of social media as initial contact with Regional Ministers as these are not regularly monitored.
Other NWBA Team members and officers can be contacted through the office.
For urgent safeguarding issues, first contact should be to Tim Presswood or the Association Office
Baptist Union
You can contact the Baptist Union of Great Britain office via:
Baptist Union of Great Britain, Baptist House,
PO Box 44, 129 Broadway, Didcot, OX11 8RT
Tel: 01235 517700
follow this link to visit the BUGB online contact page