Covid-19 Responding faithfully and responsibly
As a community of Baptists, we are seeking to support ministers and leaders in what are challenging circumstances. Please
visit our summary page for a fuller list of resources. Please also stay in touch
with the Baptists Together Information section
At the outset of this pandemic, as various measures were put in place in response, a significant raft of questions and issues emerged for local
church leaders. As a way of navigating our way through this together, we suggested
six key priorities
which we have used as a framework for the
resources that we have continued to develop and offer. A Short video from NWBA Regional Minister
outlining these can be
found by following this link. The six priorities are listed below
with various links to further resources that you might find helpful.
Looking after God's people
A key priority is to try to keep our churches in touch with one another as much as possible. NWBA offers a number of resources to help you do that.
You are welcome to use our streamed services, reflections and other resources to complement your own endeavours, as a resource to use within them
or to save you from needing to arrange these yourselves.
Click here for resources
Looking after ourselves as leaders
At times like this there is a need for leadership - leadership within our church congregations and leadership within the wider community. Those called
to leadership need to care for their own wellbeing, if they are to have the capacity to support others.
Click here for a
message from Phil Jump for Mental Health Awareness Week.
Caring for our Communities
Many of our churches are engaged in supporting their communities, either through ongoing activities such as foodbanks, or by being part of organising
and supporting the community response. This is an important part of our calling as God's people.
Click here
to find out more
Ministry and Mission
We are called to be proclaimers of Good News in every situation. Mission and ministry do not need to be 'on hold' and many of our churches are thinking
about how we can reach out sensitively and creatively to others at this time.
Church Practicalities
It is vital that churches seek to follow prescribed Government advice and regulation. We are, as much as possible trying to provide regular and accurate
updates through our Baptists Together Specialist Teams. Please stay in touch with the advice available from We recognise too that churches
and leaders may be facing financial and other difficulties. Again you can find details of various support initiatives through the Baptists Together website. But
if you have any additional concerns, please contact your local Regional Minister for Church Life.
Thinking about the future
We have also put together a
Framework Document to help you begin to think about the strategies you
might develop as and when it becomes viable to open buildings again. This is likely to be a gradual and potentially challenging process, that will require significant
thinking and reflection. NWBA Regional Minister, Phil Jump, offers some thoughts
in this short video
We are also looking to put together a page of links to various initiatives and resources offered by NWBA churches and partners.